
samedi 6 avril 2013

La DCRI (Services secrets Français) tente de censurer Wikipédia #LaRépubliqueExemplaire

 France: Intelligence Services Threaten A Wikipedia Contributor

Internet Sans Frontières is surprised to learn that a Wikipedia contributor was summoned and forced by the French Intelligence services to delete a page on the famous website. Internet Sans Frontières calls for an investigation on this censorship case and the sanction of this unbearable violation of the fundamental Freedom of Expression.

Surfing the web - by Bill Selak on Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)
Surfing the web - by Bill Selak on Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Wikimedia France reports in a blog post (fr) published on April 6, 2013 that one Wikipedia contributor was summoned on April 4, 2013 by the French Intelligence agency (Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence, DCRI), which reports directly to the Ministry of Interior. 

This episode follows the refusal by the Wikimedia foundation to delete, after a request by the DCRI, an article on the Military radio station of Pierre-sur-Haute a site used for French military communications. The DCRI argued that the article, although available since 2009, violated a law on the secrecy of the national defense. Wikimedia Foundation rightly replied to the Intelligence services that they could not delete content from Wikipedia, unless a judiciary request was presented to the non profit organization and sufficient proof of military secrecy violation brought. 

The DCRI then decided to summon and to force one Wikipedia contributor, also administrator, to delete the page, under threats to hold him in custody and prosecute him. 

According to French blogger and activist Bluetouff (fr), Wikimedia decided, after the contributor was released, to suspend his administrator rights, in order to protect him from Intelligence services' pressure.

This is unacceptable in a Democracy and a country of Freedom such as France. Internet Sans Frontières calls for an investigation and for the sanction of this clear and unbearable violation of the fundamental Freedom of Expression, protected by the French Consitution.

Samedi 6 Avril 2013